Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Education : Lets make fools of ourselves!

Now doesn't that picture speak for itself?

The first time I saw it, all that ran through my head was AC sqare equals bc square pluc AB square! Believe me folks, it took me one whole minute to figure out what the photographer was trying to convey!

Ha ha ha ha :)

If only modern education and engineering examinations were like this!

Humourists that they were, I'm sure Newton, Einstien, Feynman, Rutherford and Bohr would have agreed whole heartedly!!

Sometimes we try to be so rigid and normal(read conventional) in our thinking, that we miss out on better ideas and lose out on creativity and common sense!

All this can only be blamed on the system that teaches us nothing but how to become blind in our analysis of situations!

As Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes wrote after answering an exam question----

" All I've learnt here is to memorize this utterly useless fact long enough to pass this stupiod test question. I now intend to forget this as soon as possible, because all you have taught me is how to cynically manipulate the system. Congratulations! "

Hats off !

No wonder everybody likes that comic character!

The Techmechanic


PCR said...

i totally agree with those facts neel......The education system seriously needs a revamp!!!!

Krshna said...

Canada sir, you are probably used to the amazing system at Montreal probably. Wonder if the thanjavur system even comes an inch close to that one :)