Thursday, June 3, 2021

Prithviraj Chauhan and how he died

 I've been doing a lot of reading lately on Prithviraj Chauhan, the Indian king from Rajasthan. He was a rajput, or a son on the brave royal, and he was attacked by Mohammed Ghori at least 16 times, and each time Prithviraj won, and then forgave him. Prithviraj finally lost the 17th time, and this time he was at the mercy of his enemy, who was not as large-hearted a king as was Prithviraj. 

The legend goes that Ghori took Prithviraj back to Afghanistan as a sport for the public to ridicule and shame him. He was accompanied by his faithful bard, Chand Bharot. Prithviraj was eventually blinded and thrown in prison along with his bard.

When Ghori came to visit Prithviraj one day, as he was doing the rounds of his prison, he happened to hear Prithviraj loudly proclaim - "you are not half as much a great king as I am, for even when I am blinded, I can shoot an arrow and have it meet it's mark." This intrigued Ghori, and Ghori wanted to put Prithviraj to the test to see if he could make true his remarks.

Chand Bharot immediately realized what was going on and on that fateful day, at the center of the city square (for maximum humiliation and ridicule towards the Indian King), Prithviraj was asked to prove his worth, with Chand Bharot by his side for guidance.

Chand Bharot guided Prithviraj in his inimitable style - he sang a couplet, where he described how far the target was, and at what angle from Prithviraj the target stood at - except, the target Chand described was Mohammed Ghori himself. The last line of the couplet rang " don't miss this chance Chouhan.."

Prithviraj fired his arrow straight to Ghori's heart, and Ghori fell down, dead. Prithviraj and Chand Bharot quickly pulled out daggers concealed in their inner garments and stabbed each other to death.

A lot of modern writers and historians dispute this as a fairy tale but I'd like to believe it's true. It does fall in line with the exemplary character traits that Prithviraj displayed, and the wiliness of Chand Bharot falls into place as well. I'm trying to get my hands on a few books where I could read more about Prithviraj, but the original only seems to be available in Hindi :/

Anyway, here are some new links for the oncoming monsoon. (i did an earlier post whining about the same, and guess what the sun did come out!)

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